Friday, June 27, 2008

Bulb Vase No. 3

Bulb Vase No. 3
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Here's the final 6 x 6 for this weeks ebay listings. I was in the mood to do some light bulbs again. I'm still trying to figure out how to get that wonderful frosty/glassy quality they possess. I'll be working on a few new pieces for Wynne/Falconer in the next couple of weeks. Karen and I have a show there on July 26th, and I wanted to get more paintings ready for that. I'll post those as they are completed. There's a chance that I'll try, and squeeze some ebay work in the mix too. It depends on how smoothly things go with the show paintings. I'll play it by ear. If you'd like to bid on the painting above you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 7

Pool Bowl No. 7
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

I've got a larger Pool Bowl planned for one of my galleries, and was thinking this composition could be that one. If thist turns out to be the case, then this painting could be considered a study. I have a number of other compositions to choose from also, and may wind up just picking one of them. I never know until have the canvas in my hand, and am ready to begin. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can participate in the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hamilton Beach Mixer No. 2

Hamilton Beach Mixer No. 2
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

I had such a good time painting this little Hamilton Beach mixer. The more mechanical a subject is, the more I enjoy painting it. I hope this piece will find an audience, because I'd love to paint many more variations. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can participate in the bidding by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cherry Goblet No. 4

Cherry Goblet No. 4
oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"

Number two of this weeks ebay offerings. These little goblets are popular, and fun to paint so it's back again. Cherries are back in the stores, so they will probably be a common theme for a while. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Cherry Bowl

Cherry Bowl
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

This is the first of five six by sixers to be listed on ebay this week. I'm finishing up the other four, and will return to the Hamilton Beach mixer when they are complete. I sold one painting at the Affordable Art Fair in New York last week. The big milkshake mixer I posted on May 31st. So . . . I feel pretty comfortable that there will be another one coming up in the not too distant future.

The corporate commission has been on hold for a while. The "higher-ups" are rethinking my original vision. My idea may still survive, but it is currently being discussed. I just have to wait for the marketing manager to make a decision. If I have to modifiy my plan, I'll probably find myself shopping around the first two paintings that are allready complete. I think I could probably find a gallery to take one or both without too much trouble.

If you'd like to take part in the auction for the painting above, you can access the bidding by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pear on the Edge

Pear on the Edge
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
12'' x 16"

Here is the second of the two paintings I got back from one of my galleries. I will offer this for auction, before I begin to shop it around to my other galleries. I've finished the underpainting of the latest mixer painting, but have decided to put it on hold for a week while I work on the next grouping of ebay paintings. I'll return to it when they are completed. I was debating whether or not to post an in progress image. Not sure. I'll just wait and see how I feel about it later in the week. Anyone interested in bidding on the painting above can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Resting Pear

Resting Pear
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
10'' x 12"

I just got back a couple of paintings from one of my galleries, and decided to offer them at auction on ebay before I began the process of shopping them around. One of the advantages of having multiple galleries is that if a piece doesn't work at one, there's a good chance that it will sell in a different location. I felt, at the completion of both of these, that they were two of my more painterly works, and was very happy with them. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on them, you can access the auction by clicking here.

The new mixer painting is still on the easel, and probably will be for a while. It's turned out to be a big job, but I'm having a good time with it. As I mentioned before, the composition a little odd, but I think it's very cool.

I'm also working on a new group of six by six ebay paintings. Everything is drawn out, and ready to go. If all works out according to schedule the first of the five should go up next monday night.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Pool Bowl No. 6

Pool Bowl No. 6
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

I'm finishing off this week of auctions with a bowl of pool balls. I think I've said about all there is to say about this particular theme. There will be more. It's the only subject where I get to use all the colors. Tomorrow I'll start on the new mixer for Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd. Can't wait. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Radio Tube

Radio Tube
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

Tonights painting has a personal historical significance. My paternal grandfather had a tv and radio repair shop in Decatur Illinois for a number of years. He was also responisible for setting up most of the PA systems in town. If someone needed to speak through a microphone to a crowd in Decatur, it's likely that he was somewhere behind the scenes.

My family lived there briefly in the late 50's, and during that time my dad worked with him. Hollingworth Sound was the name of the shop, and it was a fun place to visit. For one thing, he had his own Coca Cola machine. That was very cool. Five cents for a coke. In a glass bottle. That you returned for money.

Work benches, oscilloscopes, soldering guns, televisions and radios filled every available space. Radio tubes like the one above were everywhere. Even as a kid I appreciated the esthetic beauty of these components. It was exciting to watch them begin to glow as the tv was switched on. I never understood their function, still don't. All I know is that they've pretty much been replaced by transistors. What ever they do.

I thought this could be something that would look really cool . . . huge. At least 30 x 30. I'm not sure. I doubt that many people would have any idea what it was. I'm going to think about it. For those of you who may be interested in bidding on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

15 Goblets

15 Goblets
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

This was done as a study. I've had this image in my "to do" folder for quite some time, but never got around to painting it. I've cropped it here to get a general sense of the composition. The full version would be larger, and contain the all three goblets in a horizontal format. I feel that it works. My favorite aspect of the image is the multiple descending reflections of each goblet in their neighbor. If this is done again in a larger format, I think I could possibly add yet another level of reflection. I doubt if I could achieve that level of detail on canvas, so I would probably have to construct a box with a masonite surface. We'll see. Anyone interested in bidding on this painting, can access the auction by clicking here.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Maple Leaf No. 4

Maple Leaf No.4
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

I had enough red paint left on my pallette to do another maple leaf, so I figured why not. They are one of my "prettier" subjects, and I enjoy painting them. I love the crispness of the highlighted leaves contrasted by the less focused red leaves in the background. The seed pods in the foreground really give the painting a sense of depth. This was a fun one.

I was victorious with my first ebay auction this afternoon. A great looking vintage toaster. Hope my luck holds with my upcoming auctions. There's a specific mixer, and another toaster I really want to get my hands on.

Anyone wishing to participate in the auction of the Mape Leaf can bid by clicking here.

Monday, June 02, 2008

PB&J No. 8

PB & J No.8
oil on canvas
6'' x 6"

Before I got to work finishing up tonights painting, I spent a little time on ebay searching for some new subject matter. Back to the kitchens of old. Came across some great looking toasters, and a couple of vintage mixers. I'm pretty excited. Just hope I come out victorious in the bidding. I think these new finds could make for some great compositions.

I'll be putting up a new group of five six by sixers each night this week, then I've got a new large canvas drawn out for a painting destined for Stricoff. One of my current classic mixers. The composition is a little different than the previous versions of this subject, but I think it looks pretty cool. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

For those of you who may be interested in bidding on the painting above, you can link to the auction by clicking here.