Wednesday, April 30, 2008


oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

I love painting this little Smuckers jelly jar, so here it is once again. I think I will probably do it on a large scale one of these days. Really get into the embossing of the name into the glass, and recreate the label on the front. I like this idea a lot.

Anyone interested in bidding on this piece can access the auction by clicking here.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Olive Oil

Olive Oil
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

A little bottle of olive oil for tonights ebay listing. I've been hanging on to this bottle for some time, but never got around painting it until now. I love the thick glass, and its' square shape. I picked up a pair of these at an out of the way restaurant supply store on a trip to Savannah. Ever since I completed the Fritos bag, I've been thinking big. I was wondering how this may look huge. Now I wonder how everything may look huge.

Anyone interested in bidding on this painting can access the auction by clicking here.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Study for Commission: Strawberry Bag

Study for corporate commission: Strawberry Bag
oil on plywood panel
6'' x 6"

When the painting of the TAZO Tea box got nixed, I needed to start thinking of another subject to take its' place. Since Printpack creates generic plastic packaging, I thought I'd do some fruit in one of those simple translucent bags. I found these giant strawberries at COSTCO, and determined that they'd do nicely. As with the first five studies, this is only a portion of the full composition. I haven't officially decided on this composition as yet, but at the moment it ranks up there pretty high. I think it could look pretty cool at 30 x 30.

In addition to this piece I've completed four more six inch squares to be listed on ebay this week. A new painting each night. Tomorrow morning I'll begin my second commissioned piece. I decided to do the bread next rather than the coffee. Get my chops up on painting a clear plastic bag. If I choose the strawberries, that practice should come in handy.

Anyone who may be interested in bidding on this painting can link to the auction page by clicking here. See you tomorrow night.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Corporate Commission No. 1: Fritos

Commissioned Painting No.1: Fritos
oil on gallery wrapped canvas
30'' x 30"

Here is the first of the five commissioned paintings I'm doing for Printpack Inc. here in Atlanta. It's 99% finished, but it's been such a long time since I've placed a post on my blog that I decided to go ahead and put it up now. It won't look that much different when it's finished.

Gallery sales of my work are presently very slow, so based upon the success of my ebay paintings of the "studies", I've decided to return to my roots, and get back to ebay once again. My plan at the moment is to do one commissioned painting, followed by five ebay pieces, and so on. I currently have five drawn out, and two underpaintings completed. I should begin listing the auction paintings in the next few days. Then back to the next commission. I can't decide which one to do next. I'd like to do the more complex pieces first, and save the less complicated paintings until the end. Which is the most complex? The coffee bag I think. It's the one that worries me the most anyway.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Study for Commission: Coffee Bag

Study for Community Coffee
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

This is the last of five small studies I'm painting for a corporate commission. I may be doing another study soon though, because I was recently informed that the TAZO Tea painting is not representational of a Printpack product. It had been on display at the headquarters along with numerous other products, so I just assumed it was in the mix somewhere. Never assume. Glad I found out now, and not after the painting was complete.

Today was day two on the full size Fritos piece. It was spent laying in a portion of the labeling. There is a good bit of red in the logo, and I love using red. I think that's why I had such a good time working on this bag of Community Coffee. I'm really gonna get my red "fix" when I start on that one.

Each of these studies is being offered for sale on ebay. Those of you who would like to take part in the auction for this painting, can do so be clicking here. I have to say that it's been a treat working on these small pieces, and then consigning them for auction. It's been about six months since my last ebay auction, and I've really missed it. I plan to spend more time painting for ebay in the very near future. Working them in between these commissioned pieces, and getting paintings ready for Wynne/Falconer for the summer.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Study for Commission: Bread Bag

Study for Bagged Bread
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

Here is the fourth of five small studies I'm painting for a corporate commission. I spent the entirety of my painting day yesterday just laying in background and foreground colors. For me it was a lot of acreage. I'll start the first pass on the actual bag today. I'm a real miser when it comes to dispensing colors on my palette, but now there are huge piles of color which is a little disturbing. It feels so indulgent, and expensive. Plus the size of the brushes I'm using seem so clumsy, as opposed to the small brights I'm familiar with.

I know everyone is probably sick of hearing about how "strange" this new world of large painting is for me, but it's where I am right now, and is foremost in my thoughts. Maybe by the completion of the fifth piece it will be old hat, and I can stop whining.

Each of these studies is being offered for sale on ebay. Those of you who would like to take part in the auction for this painting, can do so be clicking here. The last study will be listed tomorrow evening.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Study for Commission: TAZO Tea

Study for Tea Bag
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

This is the third of five small studies I'm doing for a corporate commission. I'm actually beginning the first full-size painting today. I was a little worried at first about the larger versions of these paintings, but the studies have been a real benefit to easing my fears. Fritos will be number one. I'm looking forward to diving in.

Each of these studies is being offered for sale on ebay. Those of you who would like to take part in the auction for this painting, can do so be clicking here. The final two will be listed on tuesday and wednesday.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Study for Commission: Hershey

Study for Hershey
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

This is the second of five small studies for a corporate commission I'll be starting in the next day or so. The company I'm working for creates plastic packaging for hundreds of products, and I've chosen a few that are familiar. It was a little disappointing when I was informed that they don't do the Hershey wrapping that includes that - wonderful - foil beneath the label. They only do the full plastic wrapped version. It would have been fun to include that foil. Having said that here is a snippet of the full sized painting I've got planned. Karen provided the bite. I'll wait, and put up the rest of the paintings, the first of next week. This is to prevent the auctions from ending on a saturday or sunday. If anyone would like to participate in the ebay auction for this painting, they can do so be clicking here.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Study for Commission: Fritos

Study for Fritos
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

I wound up spending all of last week working on photography, and as yet haven't started the actual paintings for the commission. As I selected the images for each of the paintings, I decided to do some studies prior to beginning the actual project. Work out some of the details, colors and techinques for these large paintings. I want to get this right, and felt a few small studies couldn't hurt.

I've also been really missing ebay lately, so I also decided to put each of these studies up for auction. This cropped version of a Fritos bag will be the first. I have four more completed studies at this point. One for each of the subjects I've chosen. Reserving the option of doing more if I feel I need additional practice. These studies are select portions of the full compositions. I don't know how much these small paintings will assist me in the production of the actual paintings, but they have helped me to get my head around this commission. To say that my confidence level has increased as a result of creating these small studies. I should have the second piece up tomorrow evening. Anyone interested in bidding on this painting can do so by clicking here.