Friday, February 08, 2008

Shaker Head

Shaker Head
oil on gallery wrap canvas
10'' x 10"

Moving on to the next piece from the up-coming Twinhouse show Feb. 22. I love this milkshake mixer from Hamilton Beach. The motor housing is especially fun to paint. If things work out, I'll be able to paint it a lot before people get sick of seeing it. This is the second incarnation. The composition is similar to the first, only much smaller, and sans the cup. Anyone interested in a pre-show purchase of this painting can find contact information to the gallery by clicking here.

We picked up the invitations for the show yesterday at the gallery, and they look really good. It's a nice design, and the reproductions of each artists work is spot on. I may scan it, and put it up later, I'm not sure. If you'd like to see all the work completed so far you can either click on the "Upcoming 2008 Twinhouse Show" link or click here.


  1. As always, your work inspires! You give your pieces such luminosity.

    It has such character, it almost seems insect-like.

  2. This milkshake mixer has so much character. I think you can go a long time before anyone would get tired, of seeing you captured it.

  3. Totally great! For some reason, the first thing I thought of was an animal-robot. There's something really lifelike about it, in a mechanical sort of way. Beautifully done.
