Monday, September 03, 2007

Office Chair

oil on gallery wrap canvas
16'' x 20"

This is the first of four new paintings "intended" for Stricoff Fine Art. At this point it's still in its' submission phase, so until it's accepted I'll leave off any contact information for the gallery. I've been in the mood lately for something a bit more earthy. With the next three paintings I will return to the "shiny/glassy" subject matter, but with this one I got to paint some wood. I love this old office chair, and have painted it a number of times in the past. It was standing over against the wall the other day, and I saw it in the sunlight, and thought, "wow, that looks really cool". I'll update this post with conatact information when the disposition of the painting is finalized.

Jeff wrote me this morning to say that the paintings are all there and up, so if you are interested in purchasing this piece you can find contact information for the gallery by clicking here.


  1. Stunning painting! Great subject and I love the light.

  2. Absolutely one of your finest.

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    WOW! How to make a simple office chair look amazing.

  4. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I had came across were i found the best collection of executive office chair and you can also find more.
