Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Aluminium Drinking Glasses

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


This is number three of this weeks ebay listings. Continuing a red week. Tonight, it's the vintage drinking glasses. We've had this set of aluminium glasses for a long time, and I've often thought of using them as a subject for a painting. Finally got around to it, an it was really fun. I've got a number of other compositions ready to go. Most of them composed in a larger format intended for the galleries. If you're interested in bidding on this painting you can do so by clicking here.


  1. Now there's a blast from the past - brings back memories of cool lemonade on camping trips. I went searching for some of these recently with the intention of painting them - but couldn't believe the price the antique store was asking for them.

  2. Wow That Veridian !!!!!YUM!

  3. okay so i been lurkin here
    and i just have to say
    Wow and congratulations on selling your amazing art!
    I just stole a turqouise aluminum drinking cup from my fav. aunt.
    she actually gave it to me but i woulda taken it if not...
