Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Pear on the Edge

oil on canvas
12'' x 16"

I would like to say to all of you who have taken the time to leave "comments" on this blog, thank you. I read them all, derive a great deal of pleasure from the kind words, and take them very seriously. Each painting is a struggle for me, and it's very reassuring to read that my intent with each piece, at least with some, has been achieved. Many comments have brought to my attention aspects of the painting that I hadn't been aware of. So again, thanks. They are very much appreciated.

This piece is currently at Wynne/Falconer. I hadn't done a pear in a while, and it's one of my favorite fruits to paint. This pear sets on the ledge of the wainscotting in the home of my gallery owner here in Atlanta. If you'd like purchase information for this painting, click here.


  1. The feeling of instability created by the pear on the very edge is just right...lending an "edge" to a design that might otherwise feel more static. Beautiful piece.

  2. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Hi Neil,
    Love this piece. There is a constant thread that seems to link all your imagery together. A blend of the now, but also that they could have happened also 50 years ago, giving them a timless quality. Small gems and masterworks. Kudos to you!

  3. Great site. Who does your blog work?
