Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Beach Lamp

oil on canvas
18'' x 36"

I thought I'd use my blog to bring attention to work on display at my galleries. Present work that I've just completed, and others painted in the recent past. I also wanted to illustrate, with this piece, that all of my paintings are not done in a square format. This image came from a home in Seaside Florida. I was struck by the geometry of the lamp, and its shadow cast across the blank stucco wall. There's a lot of negative space, but I felt it was an integral part of the composition. This painting was recently delivered to my new gallery on Cape Cod - Wynne/Falconer. If you are interested in finding out more about this piece you can contact the director by clicking here.


  1. Fabulous work as always. I love negative space in a painting. Then the eye is going focus immediately on the main subject, this particular subject being absolutely ripe with cool details. Perfect work. :o)

  2. The open space is so important in this work. Of course its not "open" at all, but alive with subtle, modulated color, tone and psychological impact. Those clean spaces I often see in your work remind me of the necessary silences between musical notes.
