Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sliced Bread

oil on canvas
10'' x 30"

Here's another of the eight finished paintings I've been working on these last couple of weeks. I wanted to try my hand at plastic bags. I had done a cherry painting, with the fruit in a cellophane bag for my last show at Twinhouse, and wanted to go there again. This painting is not dry enough to ship at this point, but will be going to Stricoff in New York. It should arrive along with the Pool Balls in about ten days or so. If you'd like to learn more about this piece you can find contact information by clicking here.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pool Platter V

oil on canvas
10'' x 10"

I've been neglecting my blog lately. My focus has been on completing a number of new paintings to be offered to my galleries. Eight are finished, and I'm in the process of working out who will get what. I'll be posting them here as each finds a destination. None of them are dry enough to ship at this point, but the painting above will be going to Stricoff in New York. It should be in their possesion in about ten days or so. If you'd like to learn more about this piece you can find contact information by clicking here.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Chambered Nautilus

oil on canvas
12'' x 12"

Here's another of my gallery paintings. The Chambered Nautilus. This is one of my favorite shells. I've painted it twice, and have a third rendition on the easel now. This painting was recently delivered along with the Beach Lamp to my new gallery on Cape Cod - Wynne/Falconer. If you are interested in finding out more about this piece you can contact the director by clicking here.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Water Pitcher

oil on canvas
12'' x 12"

I thought I'd use my blog to bring attention to work on display at my galleries. Present work that I've just completed, and others painted in the recent past. This piece is one of two paintings currently available at Stricoff Fine Art, Ltd., in New York. I was officially brought on board yesterday, and I hope it will prove to be a long, and successful relationship. If you'd like more information about this painting you can contact the director by clicking here.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Beach Lamp

oil on canvas
18'' x 36"

I thought I'd use my blog to bring attention to work on display at my galleries. Present work that I've just completed, and others painted in the recent past. I also wanted to illustrate, with this piece, that all of my paintings are not done in a square format. This image came from a home in Seaside Florida. I was struck by the geometry of the lamp, and its shadow cast across the blank stucco wall. There's a lot of negative space, but I felt it was an integral part of the composition. This painting was recently delivered to my new gallery on Cape Cod - Wynne/Falconer. If you are interested in finding out more about this piece you can contact the director by clicking here.