Monday, March 19, 2007

In Progress

I don't usually post images of my work until I'm finished. Many times paintings don't meet my expectations, and they get gessoed over then replaced with another painting. Karen has let me have it a number of times when I've destroyed a piece that she loved, but I couldn't live with. So, my works in progress can have a very short life. But Lisa Gloria very politely asked me to show some works "in progress", and I couldn't say no. These images are at the first pass stage. A second, and occasionally a third pass is necessary to finish the painting. They are 6 x 6 inch squares painted on hardboard panels. If they survive I'll post the completed versions next week when I plan to list another five on ebay.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I am so glad I found your blog this morning...

    As I sit and drink my hot cup of brown stuff- I am dizzy from seeing your work.

    I know now- that I need to get back to painting...

    Fantastic work!

    Thank you for sharing these "In Progress" pieces. A lot can be learned from progress...


  2. Neat - it's always nice to see underneath the hood. Thanks Neil!

  3. Hi Neil!

    I look forward to seeing your new pieces on ebay. I try to keep up with what you are doing, as it always inspires me!

    So, do you just wake up and think "I want to paint a pear!?!?" Haha! I suppose it hits me when I'm not expecting it. I turn and glance at something and it begs me to capture it somehow. It's funny what that might be, too. Well, like you deciding to paint forks! Or maybe the forks chose YOU!? How does it happen for you?


  4. Great to see these, I thought they were finished though! I hope they make it to third pass...

  5. Neil, I love the silverware! It looks finished to me; what else are you going to do with it? Great abstract design. ; - )

  6. Thanks all. Laurie, I pretty much decide like you, "I turn and glance". My practical side usually kicks in and I say to myself, "nobody would want a painting of that", so a lot of ideas get shot down right off the bat. I'm going to try and fight that reasoning this year, and push the envelope a little bit. Maybe someone would like a painting of "that".
