Tuesday, November 07, 2006


oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


I have to preface this description with the statement that I love my two cats. But, it breaks my heart when they bring home their trophies. Many times their captives are still alive, and we can persuade them to relinquish their hold. Unfortunately today that was not the case, when this beautiful creature was left at our doorstep. Painting it won't bring it back, but I feel that I'm, in some way, paying my respects. I know it's silly, but it makes me feel a little better to think it.

I'll be painting "studies" in the coming weeks to test some ideas for larger paintings I plan to use for a show at Twinhouse in January 2007. Since I intend to use a square format for all of the paintings in that show, I felt the six by six size I've been using for my auctions would be a good platform to experiment with theme and composition.


  1. Nice one James. You have given him at least a measure of immortality.

  2. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I easily identify with your explanation of this work. The art turned out beautifully.

  3. Anonymous12:01 AM

    so sad...but it's the sign of a really successful painting when it can evoke a strong emotion, and this one did.
