Thursday, October 19, 2006

Beasts of Burden

oil on hardboard panel
6'' x 6"


Inspired by David Coalburn's tireless efforts to support, and promote animal shelters throughout the U.S., I periodically donate a portion of the total of select auctions to the Happy PAWS Haven shelter. These donations stem from my still life paintings the majority of the time, but tonight I wanted to use an animal piece to help raise money for animals. These two were hitched to a carriage used to transport tourists through the streets of Savannah, Georgia. They were taking a break in the shade of one of Savannah's many oak trees when I took this shot.


  1. WOW gorgeous painting of the draft horses. I am sooo impressed with the detail and emotion in such a small format, great job. Good luck with raising funds!

  2. Absolutely STUNNING! Fantastic job! Love this work of ART!

  3. If we all beg you, would you do a work in progress for us? I'll put in the first bid . . .

  4. I really like the intention behind this auction and this piece.

  5. As an animal lover I say kudos to you! :)

  6. This is beautiful, you did an outstanding job!

  7. Thanks everyone. I used to paint animals almost exclusively, and I miss it. Maybe I'll include them a little more often in the future.

  8. As a child I remember these horses from daily life, they were used for everything from delivering coal to pulling funeral carriges. A noble beast for a very noble cause painted by a noble painter,
