Saturday, March 01, 2025

Sky Bucket No. 3

Sky Bucket No. 3  |  18 x 36  |  oil on canvas

Karen, my brother Doug and I went to the North Georgia State Fair in the fall of 2014. I brought my camera hoping there may be some future paintings at the event. At one point, as the sun was beginning to go down, we got in line to ride the sky bucket above the fair. While we were waiting I looked up and saw the people that had completed their ride coming back down to earth. I really liked my vantage point and started taking as many pictures as I could before it was our turn to get onboard. In total I took about 100 photos that evening, but when I got home and checked those images there was nothing in there that really excited me with the exception of five of sky bucket images. I felt three of those were very paint worthy. This is the third. When I do a painting that is out of the ordinary, but the gallery owner is still willing to give it a chance, I don't do that subject again unless the painting sells. This is the third, so obviously the first two did sell. I hope this piece will have the same fate.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Pool Bowl No. 46

Pool Bowl No. 46  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on linen 

It's been a while since I painted a bowl of Pool balls and it's also been a while since I've painted on anything other than a panel. Karen and I were at Blick the other day and as we were walking through the canvas's, we came across the linen section. Neither one of us had ever worked on linen before. I always thought it was too good for "me". Plus it was expensive, but that day we both decided to take the leap and we each bought one. It's really nice. I'd forgotten how fun it was to drybrush across a textured surface. I still love the panels, but think I'll incorporate a linen canvas into the mix from time to time.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Happy New Year!


2024 was a challenging year for both Karen and myself, but it closed out with both of us actually doing really good. I've got my new eyes and hope to break the five paintings a year trend in 2025. As always, thanks to all of you who follow my work. I really appreciate your "likes" and comments. Happy New Year to you all.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Many years ago I did a corporate commission for a company that produced nutritional products for children. I had four subjects to represent and one of them was "learning". I did a version of some of these blocks for that painting. I had such fun doing them that I did a few more for the gallery's. I've been going through a sort of nostalgic period lately so I decided to return to the blocks one more time. 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Bricks & Bones


Bricks & Bones  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

I'm not sure what it says, but names can never hurt me.

Thursday, August 08, 2024


57  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

Around twenty years ago Karen and I were having lunch at the OK Cafe. A retro diner styled        restaurant near Buckhead. It was one of our favorite places to eat. I guess because of the theme they used the old glass Heinz ketchup bottles. This, of course, reminded me of the artist Ralph Goings which got me thinking of painting a ketchup bottle. I asked our waitress if by chance they had any empty bottles that hadn't been thrown out yet. She was really sweet and went in the back to check. A little while later she returned with two empty bottles. She had even rinsed them out and never asked what I wanted them for. I've gotten a lot of mileage from these two bottles over the years. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Six Pack

Six Pack  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on pan

I've been feeling kind of nostalgic lately, so I decided to do a painting of some Coke bottles again. It's a simple composition, but I really like it. That red, black and white thing is very appealing to me. So much so that I think I'm going to continue that "look" with my next piece.

Wednesday, May 08, 2024

Manhattan Transport

Manhattan Transport  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel

This panel went through two iterations prior to this composition, but the panel rejected both of those. In the end it accepted the Vespa. It took a while to complete, but was worth it. Already got a start on the next piece. Much smaller, much less complicated, but perty.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Work In Progress: Manhattan Transport

Manhattan Transport WIP |  24 x 24  Oil on panel

I haven't put up a work in progress post in quiet a while and since this painting is going to take a while I figured it would be a good candidate. Karen and I came across this Vespa parked in a small nook between two clothing stores in Manhattan (SoHo I think). I've been hanging on to this photo for a number of years, and finally decided to pull the trigger. Just blocking in the background so far, with a little chrome and the tail light. Should get into the meat of this project today. This panel was originally to be used for another airplane, but about a quarter of the way into it I realized this was a total failure, so I sanded it off and replaced it with this. I think I made the right decision.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Turning the Big Seven O


I can't believe it's been twenty years since I turned the Big Five O!

Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Book: "things"


It's been nearly ten years since I put together my last book, and it felt like time for an another one. So, here's a new selection of paintings created since 2014 titled, "things, paintings of stuff". I'm including a link to the Blurb site where you can view the entire book because, to be honest, it's too expensive to buy. The cost from Blurb just to print it is ridiculous, even without any profit added on. I basically do this just so I can have something tangible to hold in my hands that represents what I love to do. Is that wrong?  If you'd like to have a look here is a link to preview page.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Hello to 2024


Inching up on the conclusion of another year. 2023 was sort of a rough go. Dealing with my own health problems and helping my father, as much as I could, through his last year. Even so, I was still able to squeeze out five paintings. I'm starting to feel much like my old self again and hopefully without jinxing things I hope to get a lot more work out in 2024. I hope all of you who follow my work are having a great holiday season, and will have a Happy New Year!. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

North American Aviation B-25

B-25 NAA  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel


A while back I attended an air show at the Naval Air Station near where I live and took tons of photos of this B-25. I love bare metal aircraft and this particular plane was the mother load. I've been feeding off that stash of images for years now and I think this one probably shows off that bare metalyness the best. I spent an inordinate amount of time on it, but it was one of those labors of love. 

Friday, September 08, 2023


LOAF  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

Sometimes I just need to paint a loaf of bread.