Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Book: "things"


It's been nearly ten years since I put together my last book, and it felt like time for an another one. So, here's a new selection of paintings created since 2014 titled, "things, paintings of stuff". I'm including a link to the Blurb site where you can view the entire book because, to be honest, it's too expensive to buy. The cost from Blurb just to print it is ridiculous, even without any profit added on. I basically do this just so I can have something tangible to hold in my hands that represents what I love to do. Is that wrong?  If you'd like to have a look here is a link to preview page.

Friday, December 29, 2023

Hello to 2024


Inching up on the conclusion of another year. 2023 was sort of a rough go. Dealing with my own health problems and helping my father, as much as I could, through his last year. Even so, I was still able to squeeze out five paintings. I'm starting to feel much like my old self again and hopefully without jinxing things I hope to get a lot more work out in 2024. I hope all of you who follow my work are having a great holiday season, and will have a Happy New Year!. 

Monday, November 20, 2023

North American Aviation B-25

B-25 NAA  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel


A while back I attended an air show at the Naval Air Station near where I live and took tons of photos of this B-25. I love bare metal aircraft and this particular plane was the mother load. I've been feeding off that stash of images for years now and I think this one probably shows off that bare metalyness the best. I spent an inordinate amount of time on it, but it was one of those labors of love. 

Friday, September 08, 2023


LOAF  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

Sometimes I just need to paint a loaf of bread.

Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Aermacchi Chimera

Aermacchi Chimera  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on panel

A few years ago I drove out to the annual vintage motorcycle event at the Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham Alabama. I don't ride a motorcycle, I just think they're beautiful. The park includes a really nice museum dedicated to auto racing and motorcycles. When I came across this Aermacchi Chimera I knew one day I'd have it . . . on my easel. It just came off my easel yesterday and will soon be traveling to Rehs Contemporary in NYC. Time to tone a new panel.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

White Mixer No. 2

White Mixer No. 2  |  16 x 16  |  Oil on Panel


I did a really big cropped version of this mixer a long while back, but always wanted to do it again with all of its parts. The photo I used as source material came out a little different than the mixer itself. In actuality the entire body and stand are white, but in the photo the body of the mixer came out with this yellowish tint. I really liked the way that looked so I kept it in. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

One Way

One Way  |  18 x 24  |  Oil on panel

I think whenever I look at this painting in the future I will remember it as, "the one I worked on during my recuperation from heart surgery". I'm currently dealing with a newly discovered wrinkle involving my health, but the memory of this ordeal will have to be linked to the new painting I'm working on. 

This is from a photograph I took on Nantucket while Karen and I were in Massachusetts for the reception of a show I was having on Cape Cod. I just couldn't get the image of that white hat out of my mind. I also loved how the arrow in the road faced in the opposite direction of the pedestrians on the sidewalk. Plus, I hadn't painted people in a very long time and wanted to try it once again. I don't know if this piece will have much, if any, appeal to the public, but in all honesty I was doing it for myself. 

That day on Nantucket had been a really, really good day.

Sunday, January 01, 2023

Happy New Year 2023!

Don't have much to show for 2022 artwise. It was an interesting year with an unexpected last quarter. I'll label it an unexpected cardiovascular interruption. Not a heart attack, but resulting in the same treatment. Still getting over that, but I'm on the mend, and slowly getting back into painting mode. Looking forward to a more productive and hopefully less traumatic 2023.