Friday, September 21, 2018

Pool Bowl: Work in Progress

Pool Bowl: Work in Progress   |   16 x 16   |   Oil on panel

I haven't posted a work in progress image in quite a while, so here is what I'm currently working on. One of my Pool Bowl paintings. Closing in on the completion of the first pass. When it's done it will follow the Sunbeam Mixer to Rehs Galleries in NYC. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Print Pack Boardroom

Spalding Nix of Spalding Nix Fine Art has been working as liaison between Print Pack Inc., and me for years procuring commissioned paintings of products they produce the labels for to hang in their boardroom. A few days ago Spalding sent me a cell phone shot of the wall as it looks today. It was really fun to see them all together. We're currently working out the details for adding a possible Starbucks Coffee piece sometime in the future.  

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Sunbeam Mixmaster

Sunbeam Mixmaster  |  24 x 24  |  Oil on panel

Before I comment on this painting I want to thank Karin Jurick and Brett Trowbridge for giving me this mixer. They found it at a flea market and felt I could make good use of it. They were correct, so again, thank you! I'm not exactly sure how many times I've painted this appliance but I think this may be the most detailed version so far. When it's dry and ready it's off to Reh's gallery. The next painting will be a "Pool Bowl" by request.