Monday, August 20, 2018

Five & Under Show at Arcadia Contemporary

Honda: Aft   |   12 x 12   |   Oil on panel

Honda: Fore   |   12 x 12   |   Oil on panel

The reception for the Five & Under Show at Arcadia Contemporary took place Saturday evening and from what I can glean from the internet it went pretty well. I haven't heard if anything sold yet. Fingers crossed. Thank you Steve and Nora for inviting me to participate.

Monday, August 06, 2018

Detail of Paintings for the 5 & Under Show at Arcadia

The Five and Under Show at Arcadia Gallery is coming up August 18th and they wanted the artists to refrain from posting images of entire paintings until the show opens. Build up curiosity and enthusiasm, so here are two "details" of my two 12 x 12 paintings. Same bike but different locations. When the show opens I'll post full images of both paintings. 

Click here for more information on the show: