Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Mixmaster: In Progress - Post No. 2

Mixmaster   |   30 x 30   |   In Progress

I took a little time off from painting during the holidays, but now I'm back at work. I've got the underpainting of the mixer, stand and blades done. Now it's time to begin work on the glass bowl. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Holidays 2015

Doug, me and a guy with a really small mouth

2015 is almost gone, so it's time to say, "Happy Holidays" to you all, and to say thank you for visiting my blog throughout the year. Your comments mean a lot to me and I appreciate each one. Now it's on to 2016, some new paintings and maybe some sales as well. Hope you all have a great holiday season, and I'll see you again next year.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Mixmaster: In Progress - Day 5

Mixmaster   |   30 x 30   |   Oil on canvas

I've been working on the Mixmaster for about five days . . .  and miles to go before I sleep.

Sunday, December 06, 2015

Dr. Pepper: Complete

Dr. Pepper   |   24 x 24   |   Oil on panel

Well, after numerous family health issues (including one of my own) and the holidays I finally managed to complete the Dr. Pepper commission. Now it's time to get busy on a new piece for Reh's Galleries in NYC. It will be another large Sunbeam mixer. All shiny metal and glass. I'm thinking 30 x 30, so in progress images will follow.