Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Vertical Loaf

Vertical Loaf  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on panel

Well, even with all of the holiday goings on, I still managed to get all five of these little paintings done before my end of the year deadline. I was hurrying through these in order to meet a show date for the first of February. Now it seems that date has been pushed back until the first week in April. I'll post more about the show Karen and I will be sharing at Principle Gallery in Charleston as the event draws closer. 

So, I guess that's it for 2014. Thank you all for visiting my various sites throughout the year, registering "likes" and leaving all those wonderfully positive comments. They really mean a lot to me. Hope you all had a great year and here's wishing you a happy 2015!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Carnival Ride

Carnival Ride  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on canvas

Number four for my December 12 x 12 project. Little Dumbo here took a bit longer than the other three, but it was worth the extra time. I've painted this subject a few times before and his happy face always cheers me up. I'm attempting to complete five of these 12 x 12's before New Years, so I'd better get busy. I'm not sure what to do next. Karen says, "bread!", so it might be bread. 


Apéritif | 12 x 12 | Oil on canvas

Well, I've done about as good as I can photographing this particular painting. It's a decent representation, but not as good as I would have liked. Using the polarizing filter (thank you Katherine Kean) did help. I then spent a significant amount of time in Photoshop matching the image to the original. Steven Vaughan's idea was my next plan of action if Katherine's idea hadn't worked, so thank you as well for your suggestion. 
Now it's on to number four. I'm hoping I can get five of these small paintings done by the end of the year, but with the holiday's coming up that may be a stretch.

Sunday, December 07, 2014


Hi-Fructose  |  12 x 12  |  Oil on canvas

Here is the third piece of my December project. I had completed another of these small paintings last week, but I used a medium on parts of it and am now finding it nearly impossible to get a good photograph of it. There is a lot of  "sparkle" in areas where I used the medium and even with all my long years of Photoshop experience I can't seem to get rid of it and still have a decent representation of the painting. Plan "B" is to shoot it again once the painting has been varnished. I'm hoping that'll create a uniform surface and a more successful capture.