Thursday, June 26, 2014

Karen and I in the July issue of American Art Collector

Karen and I got a write up in this month's issue of American Art Collector. They put together a nice little two page spread, and the reproduction of our artwork is actually not bad. It's so nice seeing your work in print. 

It's a little easier to read from my website.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Shiny Loaf

Shiny Loaf  |  12 x 24  |  Oil on hardboard panel

Karen is a fan of my bread paintings, and she has told me, more times than I care to recall, "you should always have a bread painting out there". Well, I hadn't done one in a long time, so I decided to take her advice and paint one for our show at Tree's Place this July. This will be the final painting I do for the show, because I'm taking part in a still life show at C. K. Contemporary in San Francisco scheduled for early September, and times a wastin. 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Out of the Box

Rocket Racer | 6x24 | Oil on panel

I don't usually do whimsey but I needed to cut down an 18 x 24 cradled hardboard panel to 12 x 24 for another painting I have planned. This left me with a 6 x 24 piece left over. Twice in the past I've used this remainder to paint a tall stack of children's blocks but this time I thought it would be a good opportunity to finally paint my Rocket Racer. This piece will be going to Tree's Place Gallery for our show in July.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014


Sharp  |  10 x 20  |  Oil on canvas

This is the second of two smaller paintings I'll be shipping to Tree's Place Gallery for a two person show I'm sharing with Karen in July. The painting of the crayons got me in a kind of nostalgic mood for my childhood so when I came across this pencil sharpener I thought I'd give it a try. It really reminded me of the one that sat on the teachers desk in elementary school, and you'd have to ask permission to come up to the front to sharpen your pencils. I remember it always had that wonderful aroma of cedar shavings.