Sunday, April 20, 2014

Triumph: Complete

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  Oil on canvas

On day 36, give or take a day or two, I finally completed the Triumph Bonneville. I spent a huge chunk of today with my camera and in Photoshop trying to get a good photograph of the finished painting. Trying, being the operative word because I've never had so much trouble coming up with a decent image of a painting. This is the best of the twenty five versions I came up with, and I'm not very pleased with it. It's a little muddy with an overall bluish cast and the background color is off as well. 

So, as soon as this painting is dry I'm taking it to Gallery Street and have it photographed professionally. They do all of the photography of Karen's paintings used to produce her prints, and I'm hoping they can do a better job than I have. If they can produce a more accurate representation of this painting, I'll post it again with some detail shots. I will also include all the progress images like I did with the P-51 I painted back in the fall.

Now it's time to get busy putting together some work for a show at Tree's Place this July. 

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day 21

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day 21

Day 21 and the underpainting is finally done. I really bit off a mouthful with this one. Now it's time to go back to the top and start all over again. I'm spending way too much time on this one painting I know, but I have to admit I'm really savoring the process. I haven't had this much fun working on a painting in a long time, so I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts. The second pass of a painting is always my favorite part. The hard work of building the structure is done and the subsequent passes where enhancing the detail comes into play is pure pleasure. This will be the final In Progress image. The next post will a high(er) res image of the completed painting.