Thursday, March 27, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day 15

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day 15

A couple of more days and I've got the underpainting of the fuel tank laid in. The word Triumph in the lower badge will be much darker and appear to have three dimensions in the final piece. Today I'll move down into the engine. The engine, the engine, the engine. . . . 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day Twelve

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day Twelve

The last few days were spent finishing up the first pass on the frame and working on the name badges on the fuel tank. If you look closely at the word Triumph on the right hand side you'll see a "shadow". My first attempt at putting in the type was a no go because I didn't center it properly. So, I had to re-measure and paint it in a second time. Even though the type will eventually be a dark charcoal color, I put the name in white to help distinguish it since I was laying it right on top of the previous version. A task that was a little confusing. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day Nine

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day Nine

The last couple of days have been spent working on the upper frame, front fork and wheel. The rubber sleeve covering the suspension was a real challenge. I'm debating whether to finish the frame first or head into the fuel tank next. The fuel tank frightens me so I'll probably finish up the front end first.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day Six

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day Six

Moving downward. Had to do a lot of redrawing in the handlebar area hence all the lighter shades of grey in spots that would otherwise look black. Those will become more defined in subsequent passes. I'm not sure how many passes this painting will take. I've bitten off a lot with this subject and I think it's going to take a few. As complex as it is, I have to say I'm enjoying the process. I may be singing a different tune when I get into the engine and the name badges on the fuel tank. Enough whining, onto the front fork and frame.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day Three

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day Three

It's been a couple of days and I've worked in the first pass of the rear view mirrors and the left hand grip. I'll probably wait until I have the right hand grip and speedometer laid in before I add my next post about this painting. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Triumph In Progress: Day One

Triumph  |  36 x 36  |  In Progress: Day One

It seemed like a good time to post some "In Progress" images again. It's been a while since I've done this but this composition seemed to be a good one to offer up. I've never painted a motorcycle before and I'm hoping this turns out ok. The drawing is a little wompy, and there are a bunch of spots that have me freaked out. Parts of the engine and fuel tank in particular. Fingers crossed I can "fake" those in a believable way. I'm also trying something new here by placing the subject on a background of solid intense color. The blue areas are painters tape used to ensure a crisp edge on certain components.