Friday, May 18, 2012

Website Update

The new index page should look like this.

*A note to those of you who may have had my website bookmarked in your web browser. I've rebuilt, and redirected my website due to the impending expiration of MobileMe coming up in June. If your present bookmark for my website begins with "web.mac . . .", you'll need to re-bookmark the site from the URL Sorry about the inconvenience.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Place Setting No.2

Flatware No.2  |  18 x 18  |  oil on panel

Julie, the director of Tree's Place Gallery, said that version one of this composition had been very well received, and if I were up to it, she thought it would be good to have a similar piece for the July show. So, I revisited the folder where I had stored the images for that photo shoot, and found a nice compliment to Place Setting No.1. I scaled down the size, used a square format, and I actually like it better than the first version. I hope it finds a good home.

A quick reminder to anyone who may be in the San Francisco area in the next few days. I'll have two paintings in the San Francisco Art Fair courtesy of C. K. Contemporary Gallery. This is the contemporary wing of Christopher-Clark Fine Art. If you'd like to go, you can click here for a free one day pass to the event. 

p. s. If anyone reading this post does go, I'd really appreciate a photo of my work on display. Just curious as to how everything looks, since I won't be able to attend. Thanks in advance!

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Big Ketchup

Big Ketchup  |  16 x 20  |  oil on panel

I finished up another painting for the July show at Tree's Place today. I still need to do three more to meet my "quota" of twelve, so I'm getting a little anxious. Time to really buckle down.

Reception for EveryThingChanges Show at Robert Lange

Karen and I went up to Charleston this week to attend the opening reception Friday night of Robert Lange Studios show, "Every Thing Changes". Karen had two pieces in the show, and there was no way we were going to miss the event. The reception began at 5, and it wasn't long before the place began to heat up.

Ethan Diehl sitting with Karen in the front gallery

One of the best things about the evening was that many of the artists participating in the show had come to town to attend the reception. The Robert Lange gallery is gorgeous, and one of the many nice aspects of the space is that there are numerous comfy couches to sit on when your feet get tired. Here Karen is taking it easy with artist Ethan Diehl. He does these amazing paintings consisting of tens of thousands of individually painted squares. You have to see them to believe them. 

Megan and Robert Lange, owners and very gracious hosts

Karen and I both commented to each other how nice everyone in Charleston was, and it started with Robert and Megan Lange. They were both so welcoming, and kind. It was like getting together with old friends after a long absence. They, along with Carri Schwab, a sweetheart of a gallery director, had done a great job of preparing the space, and attending to everyone's needs throughout the evening.

Sara and Shane Scribner

Three more artists we met that night were Sara and Shane Scribner (above). Two figurative painters from Oklahoma with no fear of long drives. They drove to Charleston, and Sunday morning were on their way to Miami. Really nice, and extremely talented, for their seemingly young age. They were terrific. Then to continue with the "talented and nice" theme, we also got to meet Adam Hall (below). My favorite painting of the show was one of his landscapes. You can see someone admiring it in the background.

Robert Lange and Adam Hall

Karen and I had a great time in Charleston. Lots of art galleries, historic landmarks, and wonderful restaurants. The weather couldn't have been more perfect, and we got a great preview of the perigee moon that night. Robert, Megan and Carri, thank you for a terrific evening. Can't wait to get back up there and see you all again.