Thursday, April 19, 2012

Black Grapes No.2

Black Grapes No.2  |  16 x 20  |  oil on panel

This will be the next painting headed to Tree's Place Gallery for my show in July with M. Collier, and I want to tell you, I had the best time working on it. Blowing the grapes up to this large size really gave me an opportunity to get into some serious detail, especially with the water droplets. I really hated to see this one end. It's funny, I discovered streaming episodes of Columbo on Netflix just as I began this painting, and had them running in the background as I worked. The series ran out about the same time as I finished. I don't think I'll ever look at this painting again without hearing Peter Falk's voice in the back of my mind. 

Panchito  |  40 x 40  | oil on canvas

I am also in the courting phase with another new gallery. It's called Christopher-Clark Fine Art in San Francisco. I'll be sending them two paintings Panchito (above), and Tractor (below). These will be presented at the San Francisco Art Fair May 17th through 20th under Christopher-Clark's banner, CK Contemporary. Here's hoping this becomes a mutually beneficial long term relationship. If you're in the San Francisco area during these dates and would like to attend, click here for a free one day pass to the fair.

Tractor  |  36 x 36  |  oil on canvas

Friday, April 06, 2012

Tall Blocks

Tall Blocks | 6 x 24 | oil on panel

I went a little "blocks" crazy this year for the Tree's Place Show, so this will be the final piece on that theme. I couldn't resist doing one more though. I had this 6 x 24 cut off from modifying an 18 x 24 I used for another painting, and it just screamed for a tall stack of blocks. I did the same thing for last years show, and it proved to be a popular composition, so I figured, why not try it again.

I'm also pleased to announce my representation by a new gallery. Rehs Galleries, Inc., in New York has taken me on. Howard Rehs contacted me, and stated he was looking to expand their roster of contemporary artists, and wondered if I'd be interested in coming on board. I agreed and sent him three paintings, one of which sold within the first twenty four hours! A nice start.