Friday, March 30, 2012


Tarnished | 12 x 12 | oil on panel

M. Collier and I will be sharing the spotlight in a two person show at Tree's Place Gallery this July. I've been a huge fan of M's work for years, and I'm proud to be included in a show with an artist of such skill. "Tarnished" is the sixth piece I've done for the exhibition so far, and I'm hoping to get six more completed before the deadline. That is going to be a challenge. I may need to take Julie's advice, and stock up on Red Bull.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Classic Coke No.3

Classic Coke No.3 | 18 x 18 | oil on panel

I feel like I spent an absurd amount of time on this Coke painting. It seemed I was moving at a snail's pace every step of the way. I don't know what was going on with me. I did have a lot of distractions in the last few weeks to complicate things, such as home maintenance, helping to get our taxes in order, and the early stages of completely redesigning, and rebuilding my website, and Karen's as well.

MobileMe will no longer host websites after June, and Apple has ceased to support iWeb, so I needed a new plan. I chose Freeway Pro as my new application for constructing the sites. I'm in the process of "learning" the program now, and my poor little brain has been really struggling. Fortunately, I made a couple of breakthrough's this weekend, and I think now I'm familiar enough with the program to start building. I'm hoping the new sites will be leaner, and easier to navigate.