Friday, January 22, 2010

Blocks No.6

16 x 20 oil on hardboard
I finally completed the second painting bound for my new gallery in Houston. It's called Dean Day, and Karen has done very well there. I talked with Cathy Albright, the owner, when we were in town for Karen's show back in December, and she was very enthusiastic about showing my work as well. We agreed to "date" for a while, and see how it works out. I've emailed Cathy images of these two paintings, and she was very pleased with both of them. They are still too wet to ship, but should be on their walls within the next couple of weeks. With a little luck, my paintings will find an audience in Texas.

Monday, January 18, 2010

PB&J No. 13

18 x 18 oil on hardboard
Had some major problems with my internet connection this past week. After going back and forth with Earthlink for a few days with no success, the problem turned out to actually be with AT&T. It took the technicians about a week to figure things out. I have to say they were really good about keeping us up to date on their progress. Now we're back on line, and I'm able to post my latest painting. This is one of two paintings I'll be offering Dean Day Gallery in Houston. Karen has been very successful there, and Cathy Albright, the owner, has asked me to come on board. With a little luck, I'll find an audience for my work there as well.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Coca Cola

5.5 x 5.5 oil on hardboard
The final ebay painting for this week is a couple of empty coke bottles. I've had it in my mind to paint this subject for sometime now, but never got around to it. That old coke bottle shape, and color is so familiar, and nostalgic. I searched my favorite place for subject matter (ebay), and as usual found plenty of bottles to choose from. I'll try this again in a larger format in the future as a gallery piece. Just how large, I'm not sure. Big enough to really get into that glass. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can take part in the bidding by clicking here.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Silver Creamer

5.5 x 5.5 oil on hardboard
I decided to hold off for the holidays, and list my final two ebay pix starting tonight. This creamer was part of a collection of vintage silver given to us by Karen's parents. There's also a sugar bowl, and a water pitcher that go along with this creamer. They have a great shape for reflecting the contents of a room, and these wonderfully curly handles. If you'd like to partake in the bidding for this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.