Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Pool Bowl No.7

Pool Bowl No.7
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

. . . and last but not least a bowl of pool balls. This completes the weeks ebay offerings. I recently did a tally of all my pool ball paintings, and this will be number 26. It's been a joyful run, and I think a subject that still has some life left in it. I'll be shipping the large pool balls up to Wynne/Falconer on monday, where I hope a collector will give it a good home. I'm also nearly done with the first pass on my next gallery piece for Anne Irwin Fine Art. I should mention that I am delighted with the surface of the Dick Blick pre-primed panel I'm using for that piece. It's wonderful. If you get the urge to bid on the painting above, you can take part in the auction by clicking here.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Half Loaf

Half Loaf
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

Karen has made it clear to me that I should have a bread painting in the works at all times. She's a fan of my bread paintings, so I've done a small one for this weeks auction offerings. I cropped this one tight, diving right into the heart of the loaf. It's an unusual composition, but I believe it really works. In fact I'm thinking of doing it again down the line in a larger format. If you'd like to bid on this painting you can access the auction by clicking here.

Milk Jug

Milk Jug
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

This little milk jug pops up from time to time. It's been a while since I painted it, but thought it was time to visit it once more. There is something about the convoluted top of this glass bottle that really excites me. The patterns of light, and color produced by the shape of the glass is so beautiful. Bidding for this painting can be accessed by clicking here.

My Shoe

My Shoe
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

Next up this week is a spin off of one of my commissioned paintings. I liked a lot of the photography I did for those, and planned at the time to eventually incorporate some of those images in future gallery and ebay paintings. One of my favorite themes were the shoes, and so I've come back to those. I love painting them, and I'm hoping they prove to be popular, so I can do more. You can access this auction by clicking here.

Friday, August 21, 2009

PB&J No.11

PB&J No.11
oil on hardboard panel
5.5'' x 5.5"

In between passes on my current cherry bowl painting I've been working on five new pieces for auction on ebay. Up first this week is the eleventh in a series of peanut butter and jelly sandwich paintings. A favorite theme of mine, "borrowed" years ago from a piece I saw painted by Duane Keiser. Hopefully, by the time these are all listed I'll have completed a version of the cherry painting I'm happy with. This one, for some reason, has been really kicking my butt. I've also begun a new painting slated for the October show at Anne Irwin Fine Art. I'm using a 16 x 16 pre-made panel from Dick Blick for that one. I'm curious to see how this surface takes the paint. If you'd like to bid on the painting above, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Pool Balls No.6

Pool Balls No.6
oil on gallery wrap canvas
24'' x 24"

I finished up the big pool balls a couple of days ago, and I think the painting turned out pretty nice. It was encouraging to complete an over-scale painting, and be pleased with the results. I haven't decided exactly where it will be going just yet, but it will probably wind up at Wynne/Falconer. The cherries painting is still a work in progress, and I'm wading into my next five ebay paintings. I should begin listing them next monday evening.

Monday, August 10, 2009


oil on gallery wrap canvas
16'' x 20"

And last, but not least, this vintage automobile, I titled simply Chevrolet. The painting has made the rounds, and still not found a home. If fate deems that I wind up keeping it, that's okay, because I really like it. A lot.
The pool balls are finished, and I'll post the completed image tomorrow. I think it turned out pretty cool. Painting that large was definitely a new experience. In the scheme of things, 24 x 24 isn't really all that big, but it was a leap for me. I couldn't help but wonder, "how much larger could I go with something like this"? I suppose I should wait, and see how it's received before I jump in with both feet.
Today I'll be working on the Cherries, followed by either group of ebay paintings, or the reflective piece for Wynne/Falconer. If you'd like to take part in the auction for the painting above, you can place a bid by clicking here.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Tomato on the Edge

Tomato on the Edge
oil on gallery wrap canvas
10'' x 10"

The second of my three returns is another "item on a sunlit mantle", and I'll toot my own horn a little here by saying I think it's one of my best tomatoes. In other news, I'm getting close to the completion of the really big pool ball painting. It should be done in the next day or so. I'm also about halfway through a new bowl of cherries painting slated for the fall show at Anne Irwin Fine Art. Karen and I went to an opening there last Thursday to see a show of emerging artists. Our friend Leslie Cohen had her work on display. It was a fun night. The gallery was packed. Literally elbow to elbow. A bunch of other galleries in the area were also open that night, and we hit most of them before the night was over. I'll be getting started on a reflective piece for Wynne/Falconer as soon as the cherries are done. If you would like to bid on the painting above, you can access the auction by clicking here.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Small Kettle

Small Kettle
oil on gallery wrap canvas
10'' x 10"

My next three posts may evoke feelings of déjà vu for some of you who have followed my blog for a while. Each has been here before. In the course of my brief career as an artist, a few of my paintings, have for what ever reason, proven to be "red headed stepchildren". Years ago I began to refer to these unfortunate, and unsold paintings, hanging on the wall of my studio, as "the gallery of shame". I still, jokingly, use this phrase today when I speak of my unsold paintings. The paradoxical aspect of this situation is that many, if not most, of these paintings were in fact, some of my favorites. Happily, over the course of time, these paintings did sell. Small Kettle, and the paintings in the next two posts, will highlight my current family of orphans, seeking a home. If you'd like to bid on this painting, you can access the auction by clicking here.